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Does Consolidation Loan Hurt Credit Score? – A PFE Certified Debt Management Professional Steven Harris Speaks More On The Subject

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Does Consolidation Loan Hurt Credit Score? – A PFE Certified Debt Management Professional Steven Harris Speaks More On The Subject

March 24
07:51 2021
Financial expert and PFE Certified Debt Management Professional Steven Harris sheds more light on the controversy surrounding loan consolidation and the effect on credit score.

Steve Harris recently addressed the question of whether consolidation loan works to help more people across the United States understand the seemingly complex subject. Steve has grown to become one of the most sought-after financial services providers in the land, with over 20 years of experience as an expert in financial skill mapping and evaluating the cause and effect of consumer credit trends. The President of National Pay Day Loan Relief has constantly lent his voice to major controversial finance issues. He looks to continue in this tradition with his input on loan consolidation and credit score.

Millions of people in the United States struggle to fix their credit score, especially when there is a need to access some form of financing. Over the years, several solutions have emerged to help people in this predicament. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix to the issue, consequently requiring people to pay close attention to their FICO score. One of the major subjects that have remained controversial over the years is the effect of consolidation loans on credit scores. However, financial experts have done remarkably well in clearing the air, with Steve Harris and his team helping millions of families get around their finances by improving their FICO score. 

We have continued to develop new ways of helping people meet their financial obligations by increasing the access to funding and improving their chances of securing financing for different purposes. Our team of experts and the use of industry best practices have made us one of the leading names in the industry and we hope to continue to deliver the best possible customer experience,” said Kimberly Maines, Director Of Counseling & Financial Development. 

Does Consolidation Loan Work and Does It Affect Credit Score?

Getting a new loan requires going through the process all at once to avoid making the inquiries count separately. In a related development, some people often make the mistake of thinking that checking their credit report will bring their score down. However, studies have revealed that checking credit reports does not impact the FICO score as long as it is done through one of the three credit bureaus.

One of the actions that could positively affect the credit score is having different types of debt. However, it is advised that loans should only be taken if there is the capability to pay them in full every month after receiving the statements. Lenders are often concerned about the borrowers’ creditworthiness, which is a way of proving this to them. 

Media Contact
Company Name: National Pay Day Loan Relief
Contact Person: Steven Harris
Email: Send Email
Phone: (888) 407-4521
Address:3221 NW 10th Terrace
City: Oakland Park
State: FL 33309
Country: United States
Website: nationalpaydayloanrelief.com
